Archive for the 'Welcome' Category


Sunday, November 14th, 2010

Julian Huppert at desk in WestminsterWelcome to our open policy consultation on Information Technology and Intellectual Property

We are doing this as a pilot to learn how we can use the power of the internet to consult with the public and relevant experts in all our future policy development. The power of the net means that we can get input from experts from around the UK and the world – and also build a community to engage in discussion of our policy ideas.

This is consultation not official Liberal Democrat policy (yet)

This consultation paper is presented as the first stage in the development of Party policy on Information and Communication Technology. It does not represent agreed Party policy. It is designed to stimulate debate and discussion within the Party and outside.

Based on the responses generated, on the party’s fundamental values and on the deliberations of the working group, a full Information and Communication Technology policy paper will be drawn up and presented to the party’s Conference for debate.

We want to know what you think

The Liberal Democrats believe strongly in consulting and listening with the communities that we campaign in. In this particular case we are interested in hearing from the internet community with policy ideas and reaction to the ideas put forward in our policy green paper. There are currently two opportunities for feedback:

You do not need to be a party member to participate in any part of the process.

I look forward to hearing your views.

Julian Huppert MP

Welcome to the first ever open online policy consultation by a UK political party

Saturday, March 23rd, 2002

Photograph of Richard Allan, former MP for Sheffield HallanWe launched this site in March 2002 as a pilot to learn how we can use the power of the internet to consult with the public and relevant experts in all our future policy development. The power of the net means that we can get input from experts from around the UK and the world – and also build a community to engage in discussion of our policy ideas.

Please feel free to comment on the policy paper or any of the blog entries below.

Richard Allan, former Liberal Democrat MP for Sheffield Hallam